Cancelled – 清徑活動「十路清徑賀太平」CFAHK & Trailsweeper event: Ten Trailsweeper Teams in celebration of a Harmonious year
香港金融分析師學會將再次協辦由清徑先鋒籌劃於2月5日舉行的農曆新年清徑活動 – [十路清徑賀太平]。
Enjoy nature through hiking, treasure it through cleaning. CFA Society Hong Kong is co-organizing with the Trailsweeper another event during the Lunar New Year on 5th February 2022. There are 10 routes for 10 different participating organizations, and CFA Society Hong Kong will be responsible for the one from Wan Chai Gap Park to Victoria Peak Park.
2月5日 (年初五 ) 當天,學會將派發3M防污手套予參加者,按清徑隊長指引帶備充足飲用水及穿戴合適衣服鞋履,依時出席便可。
Please bring sufficient drinking water, wear suitable hiking attire and hiking shoes, and be on time. 3M Dirt-resistant protective gloves will be provided on the day of the event.
[ 十路 ] 大軍將在相約時間抵達終點,並在齊集後記錄垃圾量、頒發完成證書和齊作清徑大宣言:「我承諾:愛護大自然,自己垃圾,自己帶走。」
The names and contact numbers of participants will be given to Trailsweeper for preparing the certificate of completion on or before 14 January 2022. The ten teams of different organizations will arrive the same finish point at similar time, for recording waste collected, presenting certificates, and making a Trailsweeper vow “I Promise: Cherish Nature, Take Your Litter Home”.
Preliminary information is provided below. Other details will be announced after pathfinding.
景觀:3 星(最高5星)
預計到達終點時間:下午2:00 (可帶乾糧/小食在中段休息時進食)
清徑先鋒隊長:Peter / John
參加人數:香港特許金融分析師學會會員25人 (如會員家人朋友一同參加,請於“備註”說明。所有參加者必須年滿12歲。)
Date:5 February 2022 (Saturday)
Meeting Place: Stadium of Southorn Playground (near tramway), Wan Chai
Meeting Time:11:00 AM
Itinerary:The 10th Route
Wan Chai Gap Road – Coombe Road – Peak Road Gas Station – Severn Road – Findlay Road – Plantation Road – Mount Austin Road – Mount Austin Road – Victoria Peak Park
CP1: Wan Chai Gap Park
CP2: Mount Austin Playground
Length: About 5 kilometers
Altitude: minimum 0 meters, maximum 500 meters
Difficulty: 2 out of 5 stars
Landscape: 3 out of 5 stars
Estimated arrival time at the last stop: 2:00 PM (please prepare some snacks if needed)
A souvenir and certificate of completion will be issued upon completion
Estimated Finishing Time: 3:00 PM
Trailsweeper Leader: Peter / John
No. of Participants:25 CFA Society Hong Kong members (Please indicate in the remarks section if participants would like to register for their friends and family. Participants must be at least 12 years old.)
Fee: Free of charge
Materials: Please wear proper hiking attire and hiking shoes, bring about 1L bottle of water and some snacks (if needed); 3M dirt-resistant protective gloves will be provided by the Society
注意事項 / Remarks:
1) 本活動為免費自願參與型式的户外活動,各參加者需自行承擔期間一切風險及責任。香港特許金融分析師學會會為1月14日( 星期五 )前報名的參加者購買基本戶外保險; 如參加者於1月14日(星期五)或以後日子報名,本會不會為參加者購買基本戶外保險。其他參加者如有需要,請自行購買合適的保險。
The captioned outdoor activity is free and on a voluntary basis, participants shall bear their own risks and responsibilities during the activity. CFA Society Hong Kong will cover basic outing insurance* for eligible participants who registered on / before 14 Jan (Fri). Insurance will not be covered for those who registered after 14 Jan (Fri). It is reminded that all participants should take out adequate insurance for your own financial and personal security.
2) 請穿著合適行山裝束及使用背囊,自備乾糧與充足飲用水(最少1公升,出發前隊長檢查,帶水不足者,將不獲隨隊出發)。
Please wear suitable hiking attire and bring a backpack; please bring sufficient food and water. (Participants are recommended to bring at least 1L of water, team leaders will check before the start of the event. If participants do not have sufficient drinking water, he/she will be disallowed to join the activity together with the team.)
3) 當天隊長會分每4人一組進行活動 , 所有參與者應遵安全措施。
The team leader will be divided into groups of 4 people for activities, all participants should adhere to safety measures.
4) 如活動當天上午07:00時,天文台仍然維持任何暴雨、3號或以上暴風或涵蓋活動區域的雷暴警告 , 活動將會取消/改期 。
If the observatory still maintains any rainstorm, storm No. 3 or above, or thunderstorms covering the activity area at 7:00 AM on the day of the event, the activity will be cancelled/scheduled.
就疫情相關的衛生注意事項 / Health Precautions Related to the Epidemic:
1) 活動進行期間,在没有足夠防疫社交距離的情況下各隊員不得超於限聚令人數。若有個别隊員違規,隊員須承擔其所引致的任何後果,本會(CFA Society Hong Kong)及隊長概不負責;
Participants shall maintain/adhere to social distancing rules under all circumstances. If there is any violation, the offending participant shall bear the consequences that occurred; CFA Society Hong Kong and leaders do not have responsibility for any dispute that occurred. In case of dispute, the decision of CFA Society Hong Kong is final, and no further correspondences will be entertained.
2) 時刻注重個人衛生、勤清潔雙手;
Always pay attention to personal hygiene and clean hands frequently.
3) 尤以活動前後,乘坐公共運輸工具時,更應提防病毒,口罩常戴;
Especially before and after activities, participants should be more careful to prevent viruses by wearing masks on public vehicles.
4) 若有任何不適或流感徵狀,切勿參與活動。
If you have any discomfort or flu symptoms, please DO NOT participate in the captioned activity.
Event Policy:
- The Society reserves the right to cancel the activity due to any unforeseen circumstances or the minimum number of enrolment is not achieved.
- Participants will not abide to hold CFA Society Hong Kong responsible for any accidents of whatever kind, resulting in death or injury, or for any damages to or losses or destruction of personal properties arising during the activity.
- Please be punctual.
- All participants must agree with the “Liability Declaration” when they register online.
Please note that if you choose to participate in this activity, you do so at your own risk. In consideration of being allowed to participate in this activity, you agree that in no activity shall CFA Society Hong Kong, its staff and committee members and/or any other person assisting CFA Society Hong Kong (collectively, the “Releasees”) with this activity have any responsibility whatsoever for any and all injuries (including death) suffered by you during this activity and/or for any and all resulting loss and/or damages of whatsoever nature and you agree to release each such person (or entity) from any liability whatsoever for any and such loss, damages, and injuries (including death) howsoever arising from your participation in this activity. Also, if you suffer from any illness, medical condition or disability, please consult your physician before participating in the subject activity. This disclaimer of liability applies to any and all loss, damages and/or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any act of negligence on the part of any of the Releasees or on the part of any agent or deemed agent of any of the Releasees.
* Insurance Policy will be provided in the confirmation email.
Date And Time
03:00 PM