Response to Consultation Papers

As a leading advocate for the finance industry, we respond to the latest topical issues and proposed regulations relating to recommended practices, professional standards, and integrity in both the local finance industry and the global marketplace. We provide insights, comments and suggestions on consultation papers published by the government, regulators and other professional bodies, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Securities and Futures Commission.

DateOrganizationTopicConsultation PaperOur Response
27 May 2024Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)Consultation on proposals to (i) introduce a statutory scheme of arrangement and compulsory acquisition mechanism for real estate investment trusts and (ii) enhance the SFO market conduct regime for listed collective investment schemesDownloadDownload
29 February 2024Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) and Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)Consultation Paper on the Legislative Proposal to Implement the Regulatory Regime for Stablecoin Issuers in Hong KongDownloadDownload
11 December 2023Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)Consultation Paper on the Proposed Guidelines for Market SoundingsDownloadDownload
6 November 2023HKEXConsultation Paper on GEM Listing ReformsDownloadDownload
14 July 2023HKEXConsultation Paper on Enhancement of Climate-related Disclosures Under the Environmental, Social and Governance FrameworkDownloadDownload
30 June 2023Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)Discussion Paper on Prototype of a Green Classification Framework for Hong KongDownloadDownload
31 May 2023Hang Seng IndexesConsultation Paper on Eligibility of Foreign Companies to the Hang Seng Index ("HSI") and Review Results of the Seven Industry Groups for HSI Constituent Selection and the Number of "HK" Constituents in the HSIDownloadDownload
31 March 2023Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)Consultation Paper on the Proposed Regulatory Requirements for Virtual Asset Trading Platform Operators Licensed by the Securities and Futures CommissionDownloadDownload

DateOrganizationTopicConsultation PaperOur Response
16 December 2022HKEXConsultation Paper on a Listing Regime for Specialist Technology CompaniesDownloadDownload
30 March 2022Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)Discussion Paper on Crypto-assets and StablecoinsDownloadDownload

DateOrganizationTopicConsultation PaperOur Response
29 October 2021HKEXConsultation Paper on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (“SPAC”)DownloadDownload
2 September 2021Legislative CouncilFinancial Reporting Council (Amendment) Bill 2021DownloadDownload
17 June 2021HKEXConsultation Paper on Review of Corporate Governance Code and Related Listing RulesDownloadDownload
28 May 2021HKEXConsultation Paper on Listing Regime for Overseas IssuersDownloadDownload
10 February 2021Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancements to the Competency Framework for Intermediaries and Individual PractitionersDownloadDownload
27 January 2021HKEXConsultation Paper on Main Board Profit RequirementDownloadDownload
15 January 2021Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)Consultation Paper on the Management and Disclosure of Climate-related Risks by Fund ManagersDownloadDownload

DateTopicsConsultation PaperOur Responses
8 August 2020Consultation Paper on Review of Listing Rules Relating to Disciplinary Powers and SanctionsDownloadDownload
14 August 2020Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to the Code on Real Estate Investment TrustsDownloadDownload
22 August 2019Consultation on Proposed Limited Partnership Fund RegimeDownloadDownload
18 July 2019Consultation Paper on Review of the ESG Reporting Guide and Related Listing RulesDownloadDownload
9 April 2019Joint Consultation Paper on a Revised Operational Model for Implementing an Uncertificated Securities Market in HKDownloadDownload (19 Jan 2019)

Download (9 Apr 2019)
14 January 2019Bills Committee on Inland Revenue (Profits Tax Exemption for Funds) (Amendment) Bill 2018DownloadDownload
30 November 2018Proposal Relating to Listed Issuers with Disclaimer or Adverse Audit Opinion on Financial StatementsDownloadDownload
20 August 2018Consultation Paper on the OTC derivatives regime for Hong Kong – Proposed margin requirements for non-centrally cleared OTC derivative transactionsDownloadDownload
28 May 2018Further Consultation on Offline Requirements Applicable to Complex ProductsDownloadDownload
21 March 2018A Listing Regime for Companies from Emerging and Innovative SectorsDownloadDownload (Joint Reply)

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21 November 2017Consultation Paper on Capital Raisings by Listed IssuersDownloadDownload Reply

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18 August 2017Consultation Paper on Review of the GEM and Changes to the GEM and Main Board Listing Rules and and New Board Concept PaperDownloadDownload
21 July 2017Consultation Paper on the Proposed Guidelines on Online Distribution and Advisory PlatformsDownloadDownload
3 April 2017Consultation Paper on the Proposed Amendments to the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) RulesDownloadDownload
30 March 2017Proposed Extension of Profits Tax Exemption to Onshore Privately Offered Open-ended Fund CompaniesDownloadDownload
28 February 2017Consultation Paper on Proposals to Enhance Asset Management Regulation and Point-of-sale TransparencyDownloadDownload
30 November 2016Consultation on “Proposals to Enhance the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme”DownloadDownload
17 November 2016Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancements to the Exchange’s Decision-Making and Governance Structure for Listing RegulationDownloadDownload
31 May 2016Consultation Paper on Proposal for Revision of the Stock Option Position Limit ModelDownloadDownload
27 April 2016Exposure Draft of the Guidance Statement on Broadly Distributed Pooled Funds
5 January 2016Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) Bill 2015DownloadDownload
18 September 2015Consultation Paper on Review of the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting GuideDownloadDownload
30 June 2015Consultation Paper on Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters in Hong KongDownloadDownload
2 June 2015Consultation Paper on the Principles of Responsible OwnershipDownloadDownload
27 April 2015Industry Consultation on the draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCSs) of the Banking Industry – Private Banking BranchDownloadDownload
10 April 2015Proposal for Introduction of Volatility Control Mechanism in the Securities and Derivatives Markets and Closing Auction Session in the Securities MarketDownloadDownload
28 November 2014Concept Paper on Weighted Voting RightsDownloadDownload Reply

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30 September 2014Providing Better Investment Solutions for MPF MembersDownloadDownload
29 August 2014Amendments to Terms of Reference to Allow for Disciplinary ProceedingsDownloadDownload
19 June 2014Open-ended Fund CompaniesDownloadDownload
25 April 2014Regulation of Alternative Liquidity PoolsDownloadDownload
4 April 2014An Effective Resolution Regime for Financial Institutions in Hong KongDownloadDownload
26 February 2014Amendments to the Code on Real Estate Investment TrustsDownloadDownload
10 December 2013Detailed Proposal of an Enhanced Competency Framework for Private Wealth Management Practitioners in Hong KongDownloadDownload
30 September 013Securities and Futures (Amendment) Bill 2013DownloadDownload Comment

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14 August 2013Proposed Amendments to the Professional Investor Regime and the Client Agreement RequirementsDownloadDownload
6 November 2012Board DiversityDownloadDownload
18 October 2012Supplemental consultation on the OTC derivatives regime for Hong KongDownloadDownload
4 October 2012Trading HaltsDownloadDownload
5 July 2012Regulation of SponsorsDownloadDownload
21 May 2012Detailed Legislative Proposals on Trust Law ReformDownloadDownload
13 January 2012Qualifying Criteria for Private Companies to Prepare Simplified Financial and Directors’ ReportsDownloadDownload
3 October 2011Securities and Furtures (Amendment) Bill 2011DownloadDownload