Sheung Wan Walking Tour – Stories of the Chinese Community in the Early Days
Code: 230506N-MSX
Famous for its decades-old temples, modern art galleries, and chic cafes, Sheung Wan is also full of stories of the Chinese community from the mid-19th century onwards. In this walking tour, we will explore how the lifestyle and death rituals of the Chinese community evolved. The tour will cover major attractions and institutions like Man Mo Temple, Tai Ping Shan Street and Tung Wah Hospital, and a lot more hidden gems in the neighbourhood. If you are interested, please sign up ASAP.
Date: 6 May 2023 (Saturday)
Meeting Time: 10:30 am
Meeting Place: Western Market (outside the entrance facing New Market Street)
Estimated Finish Time: 12:30 pm (Dismiss on Po Yan Street)
Fee: Free of charge
Language: Cantonese and English

注意事項/ Remarks:
1) 本活動為免費自願參與型式的户外活動,各參加者需自行承擔期間一切風險及責任。香港特許金融分析師學會會為4月24日 前報名的參加者購買基本戶外保險; 如參加者於4月24日 或以後日子報名,本會不會為參加者購買基本戶外保險。其他參加者如有需要,請自行購買合適的保險。
The captioned outdoor activity is free and on a voluntary basis, participants shall bear their own risks and responsibilities during the activity. CFA Society Hong Kong will cover basic outing insurance* for eligible participants who registered on/before 24 April. Insurance will not be covered for those who registered after 24 April. It is reminded that all participants should take out adequate insurance for your own financial and personal security.
2) 活動將會於下列惡劣天氣下取消:
1. 若天文台於活動開始前3小時生效/發出
‧ 三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號;或
‧ 黃/ 紅∕黑色暴雨警告信號
2. 若活動進行時天文台發出三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或黃/ 紅∕黑色暴雨警告信號
The activity will be cancelled under the following inclement weather conditions:
- If any of the following signals is issued and still in force 3 hours before the activity is scheduled to begin:
‧ Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above; or
‧ Amber/ Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal - If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above or the Amber/ Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued during the activity.
Enrollment Fee
Date And Time
12:30 PM